For Those Who Have Or Know Someone With (AMC)
These TAG factsheets provide general information and advice on different topics around Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC).
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General advice factsheets
About Arthrogryposis
Identifies the three groups of conditions under the Arthrogryposis ‘umbrella’ term and looks at some of the most common conditions categorised under these headings.
SMA with Arthrogryposis
Provides information about congenital Spinal Muscular Atrophy with Arthrogryposis including diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, prevention and parental concerns.
Pregnancy and Arthrogryposis
Genetic Counselling
Explains what you can expect when attending a genetic counselling appointment and how you may wish to prepare for the appointment.
And Baby Makes Three
A case study from one of our members, Ellen Bird.
Children and Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC) factsheets
When Your Baby has Arthrogryposis
A guide to services and a glossary of terms for when your baby has been diagnosed with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC).
Growing Up
Discusses growing up with a disability and some of the challenges you may face.
Information for Schools
Some of the factors schools need to consider should a pupil with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC) be enrolled at their school.
Moving to Secondary School
Items to consider when a child moves to secondary school include: Statement of special educational needs, mobility solutions and useful organisations.
Personal Care
Discusses personal and intimate care and how it can be a very important aspect of assistance for someone with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC) or any disability.
Siblings – A Guide for Parents
Positive and negative issues for siblings of children with disabilities and the types of support siblings may need.
Talking to Your Child About Arthrogryposis
Answers questions about talking to your child about Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC) such as how to explain to your child about their AMC (How can I help my child accept their AMC?) and more.
Information and Case Studies for Medical Professionals
Uterine Structural Anomalies and Arthrogryposis—Death of an Urban Legend
Amyoplasia Revisited
Amyoplasia Involving Only the Upper Limbs or Only Involving the Lower Limbs with Review of the Relevant Differential Diagnoses
Oligohydramnios Sequence Revisited in Relationship to Arthrogryposis, With Distinctive Skin Changes
Review of X-Linked Syndromes with Arthrogryposis or Early Contractures—Aid to Diagnosis and Pathway Identification
Arthrogryposis (multiple congenital contractures): Diagnostic approach to etiology, classification, genetics, and general principles
Failure to identify antenatal multiple congenital contractures and fetal akinesia – proposal of guidelines to improve diagnosis